
Correcting misspellings and deleting items in lists (zip codes, cities, departments, etc.)

Article ID: 110229
Category: Records
Date Added: 9/30/2002
Date Updated: 8/22/2018

Certain lists, such as Department, Sub-class, Ribbon, Special Placing, Showmanship, City, State, Zip Code, etc. are derived from the records you make. For example, when you add a new item to the list, the item will remain in the list while at least one record has that value. For example, if you enter "best of show" in the Special Placing for an entry, "best of show" will be added to the list. 

Note: City and State are located among many areas of ShoWorks such as Exhibitors, Clubs, Schools, Other Sellers and Buyers.  Therefore the city "Dallas" may be in the City list in the Exhibitors menu screen even though no exhibitors have this value.  This would occur if you have a Club (or other area) with a City value of "Dallas".

You may want to change the spelling of an item in the list or delete the item from the list entirely.

To correct a spelling error:

There may be times when a spelling mistake has been made when entering information. Here's how to locate the record that has the incorrect value:

  1. Find a record that has the incorrect value (you may right-click on the field and select 'Find').
  2. Right-click on this value and select 'Filter For Selection'.
  3. Right-click again on this value and select 'Replace'.
  4. In the Replace, type in the incorrect value, in the With, type in the desired value.
  5. Click 'Replace All'.

To delete the item from the list:

Locate all instances of the item among all records and remove it.

  1. Find a record that has the incorrect value (you may right-click on the field and select 'Find').
  2. Right-click on this value and select 'Filter For Selection'.
  3. Right-click again on this value and select 'Replace'.
  4. In the Replace, type in the incorrect value, leave the With blank
  5. Click 'Replace All'.

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